Featured in Forbes
top 53 women-led health tech startups 2019.
Playpal, Inc.
Concept.Ideate.Market Research.Wireframing.Prototyping.
UX Testing.Style guides.Visual Designs
The health of an individual, a collective community, a burgeoning nation and the world itself is the most precious asset essential for each of these entities' respective progress and prosperity. Healthy individuals live a happy life, are more productive, and contribute more to their families and societies.
Playpal aims to provide access to “better and proactive health” An individual with access to a Smartphone can use and interact and enjoy the benefits of the platform.

digital health
Muse and HYFATech joined forces to build Playpal's concept, ideation and MVP. We were able to Design the product to be a platform that integrates seamlessly with multiple IoT devices, including Apple Watch, Fitbit Trackers and Fitbit Versa.
Journey to problem-solving
Personas Created
Human-Centered Design Approach
Consolidate Health Dashboard
Activity Tracking and Adding a score
Nutritional Journal Display and inputs.
HIECOH Score (Health Indicator)Calories in vs Calories Out Display and function.
Rewarding users for improved behaviour.


![PLAYPAL-03-22 [Converted].png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/6d6ede_1a15bb849ace4c06b16872a8a65e9bb5~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_245,h_233,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/6d6ede_1a15bb849ace4c06b16872a8a65e9bb5~mv2.png)